Be a Neighborhood Coordinator
Here’s What You Need To Know
What does a Neighborhood Coordinator do?
How do I pick my Neighborhood?
Your “neighborhood” is wherever you say it is, and it’s as big or small as you want it to be. It can be a few houses, a whole street, or several blocks. The most important thing is for you to feel comfortable with the area you pick. One of the benefits of being an NC is that you’ll wind up with a better sense of where you live and who your neighbors are. So pick an area that you want to know better.
How do I build a Neighborhood?
Most NCs start by asking nearby friends and acquaintances. When they’re ready, they knock on a few doors near them—which is a great way to get to know neighbors. Of course, for some people canvassing can be a bit scary at first. So we’ve put together an easy how-to kit. Just ask us!
Here’s What You Need To Know
What does a Neighborhood Coordinator do?
How do I pick my Neighborhood?
Your “neighborhood” is wherever you say it is, and it’s as big or small as you want it to be. It can be a few houses, a whole street, or several blocks. The most important thing is for you to feel comfortable with the area you pick. One of the benefits of being an NC is that you’ll wind up with a better sense of where you live and who your neighbors are. So pick an area that you want to know better.
How do I build a Neighborhoood?
Most NCs start by asking nearby friends and acquaintances. When they’re ready, they knock on a few doors near them—which is a great way to get to know neighbors. Of course, for some people canvassing can be a bit scary at first. So we’ve put together an easy how-to kit. Just ask us!
Other Questions
How much food will people donate?
We suggest that Food Donors buy one extra nonperishable food item each week when they go to the supermarket, but it’s really up to them. Some folks will donate a lot, some a little. The amount is not important—as long as they’re participating, the Food Project is a success. Bonus: We’ll supply reminders for you to send your donors, so they remember to leave a bag.
When is Pickup Day?
Our “official” pickup day is the second Saturday of each even numbered month (Feb. April. June, etc.). But the project is set up to give you as much freedom as possible. If you’ll be out of town on the official pickup day, or prefer to do it the week before or after, you can come up with your own date and work that out with your Food Donors. All we ask is that you keep us (and more important, your Donors) informed. If you just can’t make it and need a substitute driver for a Pickup Day, let us know. We’ve got a list of drivers who can do it.
What happens on Pickup Day?
Each Food Donor puts their green food bag out by their front door. You pick up each bag, leave an empty one and a “Thank-you” card (which we’ll supply), and take the food to our drop-off point. Food bank volunteers will be there to receive, weigh, and sort it. When we get a total weight for the entire pickup, we’ll let you know so you can let your Food Donors know how much of an impact the Food Project, and their work, is having.
How much time does it involve?
Only a couple of hours every other a month! You might need to put a little more time in at the beginning, when you’re building your neighborhood. But it’s a surprisingly small time commitment, considering how big a difference you’ll be making.
That’s it. As you meet more neighbors and other NCs, your sense of community will grow, and it will add as much to your life as you will be adding to others’ lives. It’s something to look forward to.
Other Questions
How much food will people donate?
We suggest that Food Donors buy one extra nonperishable food item each week when they go to the supermarket, but it’s really up to them. Some folks will donate a lot, some a little. The amount is not important—as long as they’re participating, the Food Project is a success. Bonus: We’ll supply reminders for you to send your donors, so they remember to leave a bag.
When is Pickup Day?
Our “official” pickup day is the second Saturday of each even numbered month (Feb. April. June, etc.). But the project is set up to give you as much freedom as possible. If you’ll be out of town on the official pickup day, or prefer to do it the week before or after, you can come up with your own date and work that out with your Food Donors. All we ask is that you keep us (and more important, your Donors) informed. If you just can’t make it and need a substitute driver for a Pickup Day, let us know. We’ve got a list of drivers who can do it.
What happens on Pickup Day?
Each Food Donor puts their green food bag out by their front door. You pick up each bag, leave an empty one and a “Thank-you” card (which we’ll supply), and take the food to our drop-off point. Food bank volunteers will be there to receive, weigh, and sort it. When we get a total weight for the entire pickup, we’ll let you know so you can let your Food Donors know how much of an impact the Food Project, and their work, is having.
How much time does it involve?
Only a couple of hours every other a month! You might need to put a little more time in at the beginning, when you’re building your neighborhood. But it’s a surprisingly small time commitment, considering how big a difference you’ll be making.
That’s it. As you meet more neighbors and other NCs, your sense of community will grow, and it will add as much to your life as you will be adding to others’ lives. It’s something to look forward to.